
Energy Saving Week (20-26 October, 2008) encourages homeowners to reduce their carbon footprint. By reducing energy consumption, homeowners can save money on their fuel bills and in the long term, reduce the carbon footprint of the planet. Homeowners are already using other energy saving products to achieve this, but by installing the highest performing windows, even less energy can be used.

While the number of BFRC rated windows is increasing, particularly ‘A’ ratings, many window fabricators still do not have Window Energy Rating (WER). Some are put off because they think they need to purchase special sealed unit machinery, or by the cost of the sealed unit alone. If the supplier had to buy special machinery to make sealed units with unstructured foam spacers, it is likely to cost more.

However, leading warm edge supplier, Swisspacer, offers warm edge ‘without tears’. Its top performing warm edge spacer, Swisspacer V, has been independently tested against all leading warm edge brands and comes out top for PSI values. As it can be used on sealed unit manufacturers’ and window fabricators’ existing machinery, there is no need for extra investment and higher costs.

Swisspacer’s managing director, Matthias Meissner, comments: “Consumers already recognise the Energy Saving Trust’s Energy Saving Recommended label for white goods, and know what it stands for. Window Energy Rated windows reduce consumers’ fuel bills and carbon footprint, and being able to offer energy efficient windows makes a sale much easier.”

He continues: “Companies who stand out from the crowd and do more to improve the lives of their customers in difficult times are more likely to win business over their competitors. Using Swisspacer for sealed units doesn’t need investment as sealed unit manufacturers and window fabricators can use their existing machinery and get the best warm edge performance in the UK, without spending a packet.”