
Swisspacer, the fastest growing warm edge manufacturer in the UK and Ireland, has invested in additional production capacity at one of its manufacturing facilities, near Dresden, Germany. This latest round of investment doubles Swisspacer’s capacity at this manufacturing site, which first began production in early 2008, and allows it to keep ahead of rapidly growing demand.

The company has seen sales grow dramatically in the UK, and across the world, as demand for its high performance warm edge spacer bars soars.

Managing Director Matthias Meissner comments: “The global market for warm edge products is growing fast. We believe our growth will continue as demand for energy efficient windows increases in 2010 and beyond, and as our market share grows. We’ve invested in our production facilities so we can work with our distributors and customers to keep ahead of demand as their sales of high performance sealed units continue to grow. Our plans for continued investment in additional production capacity to fulfil the market needs have been confirmed.”